22 lip 2011


Okay, I think something died inside me. I'm crying for 2 days now everytime I see something connected to HP. I saw the last movie on Wednesday - I think I wasn't ready to see it on the day of the premiere. I did a HP marathon for 3 days and watched all the movies, so I could feel prepared for the end. And God, in the cinema, I was crying OUT LOUD like every 2 minutes. I'm dead serious. After the premiere of HP7 part 1 I attended in November in London, all the 10 years of the amazing movies and books of course and everything else it was impossible not to cry. And I'm crying until now. I can't believe it's all already over. But I'm also grateful for everything Harry Potter gave me and everything he taught me. To always believe, be strong, fight for your friends and family and that love will always win. Harry Potter showed me what's actually important in our lives. Thank you Harry and Ron for being amazing idols. Thank you Hermione for being such a wonderful rolemodel.  And of course thank you, JK Rowling for making my whole childhood so magical - it was all about Harry Potter and it has unfortunately officially ended on Wednesday. But let's never forget about what Neville Longbottom said: "Yeah, we lost Harry tonight. But he's still with us... in our hearts".